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Greg Shanfeld…AKA our Super Hero!!!

By Connie M.

I have filed bankruptcy 3 times now. I know, ridiculous! The first time was a chapter 7 and was done after my husband and I both lost our jobs. It was with an attorney who was “OK”, he got the job done. The second time was a chapter 13 with an attorney who didn’t know what the heck he was doing so it got dismissed. And the third time, this time was with the most incredible attorney on the face of this planet… Greg Shanfeld. I needed to file a 13 because I was looking to strip my 2nd mortgage. The chances of the judge ruling in my favor was slim because the value of my home was climbing. Greg is confident, knowledgeable, caring and super efficient. He called me on a Sunday afternoon as a follow up to my internet inquiry. He even left his cell phone number. You can be sure I spoke with MANY attorneys to get the job done this 3rd time around, especially because the previous 13 was dismissed due to the attorney being a knucklehead. I could spot an outstanding attorney from a mile away. Greg returned/took my calls promptly, he was kind and didn’t make me feel like a big fat loser, he listened intently and always offered a solution. My case was tough, not only was my value throwing a wrench into the BK, my income was also challenging. I’d also like to point out that many other attorneys I spoke to were so negative. Greg’s positive attitude was a breathe of fresh air that filled me with new found hope. I am beyond grateful to Greg for his expertise and kind attitude. We just found out a few weeks ago that the judge ruled in our favor to strip the lien. Of course he did!!! We have the best attorney representing us!!!! Thank you Greg from the bottom of my heart for taking good care of your clients. May God bless you all the days of your life!!!!

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