People & Businesses That Have Filed for Bankruptcy

One of the most common misconceptions about bankruptcy is that it’s a sign of personal and / or financial failure. If you file for bankruptcy, the misconception would have you believe, you’ve somehow failed and it is all your fault. As a firm that’s helped more than 15,000 clients file bankruptcy cases, we at Wadhwani & Shanfeld know this couldn’t be further from the truth.
One thing we like to stress to individuals, families, and businesses struggling with debt is that bankruptcy is not a sign a failure. It should be viewed positively as the help needed to address insurmountable debt, explore new opportunities, and gain a financial fresh start that can be the springboard to a brighter financial future.
Bankruptcy law was meant to help people, not punish them. Despite the myths and misconceptions you may have heard about the effects of bankruptcy, bankruptcy can truly be a powerful tool to help you become successful in the future. In fact, this message is illustrated by the numerous men, women, and businesses that have filed bankruptcy only to regain profitability and become even more successful than they were before:
These names should help you realize that some of our country’s most notable individuals and companies have been through bankruptcy. What’s more, they prove that you can not only survive the bankruptcy process, but also use it to gain control of your finances and become successful.
At Wadhwani & Shanfeld, we want everyone considering bankruptcy to know they are not alone. Millions of others have been and are in your same shoes – and many have used bankruptcy as the key to their future success.
If you have questions about debt, bankruptcy and your options, and how our firm can help you, contact us today for a FREE and confidential case review!